Designing for Our Health and Happiness

Biophilia is…

…our innate connection and attraction to nature. We are evolved to thrive in nature, both physically and physiologically through millennia of intense cohabitation with the natural world. Only in recent human history has humanity spent so much time away from fresh air, natural light, and the forest’s beneficial qualities. Coined by Erich Fromm, and then later hypothesized by E.O. Wilson in the 1984 book on the subject, biophilia perfectly encapsulates why we feel so reinvigorated after spending time with nature.

Let’s use smart design to reconnect our bodies and minds to the world around us!

Design with Biophilia in Mind

Biophilic Design is a human-centered design movement that celebrates the beneficial aspects that nature has on our bodies and minds. Characteristics of biophilic design include not only the décor of the space, but how occupants move around and experience the space. A space designed with biophilic elements takes advantage of using natural forms, textures, air and light quality to create a healthier, more well adapted environment for human beings.

Nature in the Space

Bring the outdoors in! 

Natural Analogs

Recreate nature’s designs.

Nature of the Space

How do you interact with the environment?

Biophilic Design Improves Your Health

You get it by now, we’re nature freaks, but there are real measurable benefits that come from exposure to a natural environment.

  • Lowered cortisol levels
  • Lowered heart rate
  • Improved sleeping patterns
  • Faster recovery rates
  • Less medication intake
  • Reduced symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety

Want to dig into the facts more? We love the book The Biophilia Effect for facts and studies about nature’s benefits on our health!

Optimize Your Productivity with Biophilic Design

Increased Creativity

Lowered Absenteeism

Enhanced Memory Recall

Lengthened Attention Span

Improved Task Completion

Biophilic Design Resources That We Love

The Economics of Biophilic Design – 2nd Edition
Terrapin Bright Green

Green Plant for Green Buildings
Online Education Network

The Biophilia Effect
Clemens G. Arvay

Biophilic Design
Stephen R Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen, Martin L. Mador

The Nature Fix

Florence Williams

The Journal Biophilic Design

Get Inspired with Cityscapes Designs

We have evolved to be in nature.

Our bodies are developed to function in a world that is organically changing all the time and an appreciation of nature can be passed down through generations.

Biophilic Design is…

…the human-centered design movement that honors our evolutionary functioning as it pertains to the tendencies of nature. By mimicking some aspects of nature, we can create human environments where we are made to thrive.

Good design can make you healthier!

The inclusion of biophilic design in a space has proven benefits for one’s overall health that last long after one experiences that environment.

Perform better in a healthier environment.

The health benefits provided by biophilic design help us perform more optimally, with increased passion and vigor. 

Bright design and even brighter ideas!

You and your team are more creative and have better memory function when surrounded by nature. 

Be a better leader with Biophilic Design.

Leaders and decision makers who incorporate biophilic design in their space can see an increase in team participation including a reduction in absenteeism.

Who Would Want to Work in a Lifeless Cube?

There are many ways to take advantage of nature’s restorative benefits:

  • Natural light
  • Water features
  • Community gardens
  • Natural airflow
  • Time in nature
  • Flexible work stations
  • Access to views of nature

Sustainability and Biophilic Design

While the Biophilic Design movement is grounded in an appreciation for the environment, it is not sustainable by default, it’s up to us designers to make the most ethical decisions when it comes to our creations. The two design movements are different but not mutually exclusive. Truly great biophilic design considers human health and the health of the surrounding environment. A symbiotic design that is both sustainable and biophilic is the most effective way to reap the benefits that nature-inspired design can give us. 

Let us know if we can help with
anything else!


  • 617.451.1364

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The best things about working at Cityscapes is the teamwork I experience daily, the relationships I have developed, and the fact that Cityscapes really cares about their employees. We also create an atmosphere together to improve our clients lives and our mission is to inspire and innovate with beautifully designed greenery.
Alex Masella, Employee 30 years / Service Administrator
Managing one of Boston’s more iconic buildings is no small feat. The responsibility of up-keeping greenery that is as beautiful as the architecture around us is huge. Having Cityscapes come and design our planting beds and maintain our greenery inside and out, has made my life a breeze. I know I can count on them to perform up to my standards, while keeping everything fresh and innovative.
Brookview serves mothers and children experiencing a grueling and challenging circumstance–homelessness. Jan Goodman and her Cityscapes volunteers always lift our spirits, and make our days delightful and enjoyable. Whether they are working with the moms and kids making crafts and decorations for holidays, planting a vegetable garden, or doing exterior landscaping–their creativity elicits laughter, brings joy to our hearts, and welcomes us home. We always look forward to spending time with the Cityscapes team.
Deborah Hughes, CEO / Brookview