Janice Goodman Owner

Jan has thirty eight years of experience in the horticultural industry and is in her twenty-ninth year as owner and operator of Cityscapes Plant Care Inc, the largest interior and exterior landscape company in the New England area. Jan has a degree in landscape design and horticultural technology from the University of New Hampshire and is also a registered provider for the AIA-CES (American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System) and BOMI, (Building Owners Managers Institute) offering educational credits and programs to the architectural industry and commercial property professionals.

She is a very active member in her local BOMA Boston chapter. Cityscapes received BOMA Boston’s Prestigious “Affiliate Company of the Year Award” in 2008 and Jan also received BOMA Boston’s “Affiliate Member of the Year Award in 2010.

Jan is also very active in charity work for several non-profits in the Boston area; the Pine Street Inn, American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, Friends of the Elderly and Home for Little Wanderer’s to name a few. She started a “Future Gardeners of America” group hosting classes for local daycare and elementary school children to get their hands dirty in her greenhouses located in the heart of the city. She has built a living wall made of edibles with the CambridgePort School and Timilty Middle school students showing them the importance of fresh vegetables in their daily diet. The Middle school wall showcased at a breakfast for the Mayor to help attain grants for the school to become more ”Green”.

She is Chairman of her local PTO’s newly formed “Go Green Team” leading North Pembroke Elementary to form new green initiatives and also creating a program to clean-up their courtyard; transforming it into an outdoor learning classroom. She has worked with Citysprouts to start a program in their school that utilizes the outdoor environment to teach children skills in math, science and art. Jan has set up Pot-a Plant for several years at the Special Olympics at Harvard Stadium. Over 500 plants are potted up and taken home by the athletes. It is a truly special event and every year the athletes come back and tell the Cityscapes team how their plant is growing. The mission is to create a horticultural therapy moment that enhances the Special Olympics experience for participating athletes via caring volunteers, feeling soil and repotting a plant to take home and nurture.

Recently Jan became involved in Strength to Serve with Reebok to completely transform the landscape for the Brookview House in Dorchester, a homeless shelter for women and children.

Jan has also served on the Race to Recycle committee, this is her fourth year on the TOBY Awards Committee. Jan has served on BOMA’s Benefit Committee since 2006 and her company has sponsored several BOMA events over the past ten years. Jan attends the majority of functions BOMA has to offer including speaking at a BOMA Roundtable on “Authentically Green Interiors”.

Jan considers her greatest accomplishment to be her three children, Samantha, Sarah and Olivia.

Executive Design Team

Amy Walker
Amy Walker Senior Design Director
Kelly Pike
Kelly Pike Senior Design Consultant
Charles Walker
Charles Walker Sales & Design Consultant
Tory Brogie
Tory BrogieSales & Design Consultant
Emily Moore
Emily MooreSales & Design Consultant
Caitlynn Doocey
Caitlynn DooceySales Assistant
Amanda Hatfield
Amanda HatfieldSales Assistant

Office Support Team

Jenn Caulfield
Jenn Caulfield Director of Service & Administration
Alaura Vento
Alaura Vento Director of Human Resources
Samantha Goodman
Samantha GoodmanDirector of Marketing
Chloe DuBois
Chloe DuBois Lead Graphic Designer
Alyssa Rodriguez
Alyssa RodriguezExecutive Assistant & Office Support
Katie Phan
Katie PhanSocial Media and Events Staff Assistant

Finance Team

Renee Moyse-Bishop
Renee Moyse-BishopDirector of Finance
Cherry Au
Cherry AuFinance Assistant
Nick Stewart
Nick StewartFinance Assistant
Rob Gallant
Rob GallantPurchaser
Matt Heisler
Matt HeislerHard Goods Purchaser and Container Inventory Specialist

Living Art & Holiday Design Team

Victoria Shum-Tuinstra
Victoria Shum-TuinstraBotanical Design Manager
Danilson Dos Reis
Danilson Dos ReisLiving Art Installer
Joe Byron
Joe ByronHoliday Warehouse Assistant
Denise DuPuis
Denise DuPuisLiving Art & Holiday Designer
Mike Ingegneri
Mike Ingegneri Living Art & Holiday Designer
Grey Lennon
Grey LennonLiving Art & Holiday Designer
Madison Shea
Madison SheaLiving Art & Holiday Designer

Warehouse & Logistics

Nick Scoppa
Nick Scoppa Director of Operations
Bernie Noyes
Bernie NoyesFacilities and Equipment Coordinator
Matt MacDonald
Matt MacDonaldPlant Inventory Specialist
Anthony Zavalia
Anthony ZavaliaMaster Scheduler
Byron Ssejjange
Byron Ssejjange Warehouse Assistant
Jerrika Richards
Jerrika RichardsWarehouse Assistant
Cullen Cunningham
Cullen CunninghamWarehouse Assistant

Operations Department

Wolder Monteiro
Wolder Monteiro Installation Leader
Luis Miranda
Luis MirandaInstallation Specialist
Evandro Monteiro
Evandro MonteiroInstallation Specialist
Fredson Cabral
Fredson CabralInstallation Specialist
Will Erwin
Will ErwinInstallation Specialist
Paulo Borges
Paulo BorgesInstallation Specialist
Paulino Brito
Paulino BritoInstallation Specialist
Daniel Gomes - Barros
Daniel Gomes - Barros Installation Specialist

Living Wall Department

Brian Juneau
Brian Juneau Living Wall Project Manager
Eduard Capella
Eduard Capella Living Wall Specialist
Carlos Amador
Carlos Amador Living Wall Horticulturalist
Emily Prince
Emily Prince Living Wall Horticulturalist
Saul Argenbright
Saul Argenbright Living Wall Horticulturalist

Exterior Horticulture Department

Pat Tavares
Pat TavaresExterior Maintenance Manager
Rachel Finn
Rachel FinnExterior Horticulturalist
Mario Rainha
Mario RainhaExterior Horticulturalist
Tyrese James
Tyrese JamesExterior Horticulturalist

Interior Horticulture Department

Alex Masella
Alex Masella Interior Service Leader
Brent McKinnon
Brent McKinnon Interior Service Leader
John Higgins
John HigginsInterior Service Leader
Cara Raskin
Cara RaskinInterior Service Leader
Karen Bassi
Karen BassiInterior Horticulturalist
Dee LeMay
Dee LeMay Interior Horticulturalist
JoEllen Prescott
JoEllen Prescott Interior Horticulturalist
Tia Moores
Tia MooresInterior Horticulturalist
Lily Yj MacDonald
Lily Yj MacDonaldInterior Horticulturalist
Kayla Montero
Kayla MonteroInterior Horticulturalist
Theo Stoverink
Theo StoverinkInterior Horticulturalist
Tony Cooper
Tony CooperInterior Horticulturalist
Alec Orzell
Alec OrzellInterior Horticulturalist
Somer Ellis
Somer EllisInterior Horticulturalist
Michael Parsons
Michael ParsonsInterior Horticulturalist
Courtney Imken
Courtney ImkenInterior Horticulturalist
Tracie Henry
Tracie HenryInterior Horticulturalist
Liza Meyer
Liza MeyerInterior Horticulturalist
Lisa Cerqueira
Lisa CerqueiraInterior Horticulturalist
Meghan Kane
Meghan Kane Interior Horticulturalist
Tansy Gibler
Tansy GiblerInterior Horticulturalist
Sean Lynch
Sean LynchInterior Horticulturalist
Andrea Lovering
Andrea Lovering Interior Horticulturalist
Tony Eccles
Tony EcclesInterior Horticulturalist
Edin Sisson
Edin SissonInterior Horticulturalist

TransPLANTed Roaming Greenhouse

Janice Goodman
Janice Goodman TransPLANTed Founder
Samantha Goodman
Samantha Goodman Director of Botanical Events
Luke Lennon
Luke LennonBotanical Events Leader

Let us know if we can help with
anything else!


  • 617.451.1364

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The best things about working at Cityscapes is the teamwork I experience daily, the relationships I have developed, and the fact that Cityscapes really cares about their employees. We also create an atmosphere together to improve our clients lives and our mission is to inspire and innovate with beautifully designed greenery.
Alex Masella, Employee 30 years / Service Administrator
Managing one of Boston’s more iconic buildings is no small feat. The responsibility of up-keeping greenery that is as beautiful as the architecture around us is huge. Having Cityscapes come and design our planting beds and maintain our greenery inside and out, has made my life a breeze. I know I can count on them to perform up to my standards, while keeping everything fresh and innovative.
Brookview serves mothers and children experiencing a grueling and challenging circumstance–homelessness. Jan Goodman and her Cityscapes volunteers always lift our spirits, and make our days delightful and enjoyable. Whether they are working with the moms and kids making crafts and decorations for holidays, planting a vegetable garden, or doing exterior landscaping–their creativity elicits laughter, brings joy to our hearts, and welcomes us home. We always look forward to spending time with the Cityscapes team.
Deborah Hughes, CEO / Brookview